Learner Considerations

For my final project I will be developing my virtual assembly plans for the remainder of the school year. I have already started on this journey since January and every month I try to build on the previous month’s success while pushing my comfort zone and learning new skills along the way. My audience for my final project is split into three groups. All will benefit but in different ways:



One of my audiences is the staff. Since COVID has robbed us of the ability to gather together I find it challenging to try to showcase a different technique or digital tool. In fact, I find it difficult to even know who needs support or where their comfort levels are at all with the new skills we have been expected to acquire at unprecedented speeds. I have attempted some informal “check-in” conversations to see how things are going, but often I hear a response such as “Thanks, I’d love to learn about that in the future, but I just can’t do one more new thing right now or I’ll break.” That is statement is not a direct quote but it exemplifies the general feel of these conversations. 

I absolutely don’t want to add to my colleagues’ workload, but at the same time, I wish to help them by showcasing technology that could make their teaching lives easier. The solution to this is to use the virtual school assemblies as a way to demonstrate the benefits of the technology as well as some interactive websites that are easy to navigate and fun for students to use. After each assembly, I plan to send out an email with links to these resources and an invitation to swing by my office if they would like some support in learning how to do anything they saw during the assembly. 

Grade 6 Students:

In the past the grade 6 students would be celebrated and have a leadership opportunities unique to their last year at the school with us.  Due to COVID, many of these experiences have been cancelled leaving the grade 6s feeling cheated by circumstances. An imperfect solution to this situation has been to invite them into the virtual assembly process. I ask for volunteers each month and try my best to find ways to involve the students in the assembly production and planning. So far they have been emcees for the assembly, have written a acted out a skit about recycling, and have been filmed in a short video about I Love to Read Month. I hope to continue this trend and expand it, so that students who are uncomfortable with being in front of the camera or speaking live to the school, can also find ways to become involved.

Student Population:

I've also added a segment to our assemblies which feature the learning in a classroom. This allows the students to feel extra special when they see that the entire school values and celebrates their learning. They get to see their work or their face featured and feel the pride that inevitably comes from sharing a learning product.


These assemblies are more integral that before due to the fragmentation of our school. Grades have been split into multiple classrooms, students are forbidden to interact with friends in other cohorts and our normal school celebrations and assemblies have been cancelled. Now more than ever, we need to bring a taste of normalcy, a sense of joy and build community at our school. These assemblies do just that. Even if they occur only once a month, the anticipation is palpable and students are eager to participate in the activities and see themselves or their friends in the videos that are shared. 


Freepikcompany. Retrieved on March 27, 2021 from https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/teacher-cartoon


  1. I like how you split your audience into its individual parts. I am trying to figure out which audience that I would like to focus on for my project and seeing your separation has helped me a little bit, so for that I thank you. I also like the idea of using your project to get back to some normalcy for both staff and students, something we all want again.

  2. Well done overview of your audiences for these virtual assemblies and what the primary goals, results and strategies are. I appreciated your discussion and description of where your staff are at right now, with a real challenge in balance, work load and "one more thing". Its super important to meet them where they are at, and support them in anyway we can. Also, very interesting and insightful way to include the senior students and provide them with some leadership opportunities. Overall, a good checkin on your progress and better understanding of who you are doing all this work for!

  3. I love this idea. It seems to me like you know your staff well and recognize the struggle they are facing daily. It was smart to demonstrate the technology in an informal way and then offer your assistance. I would bet that while many are struggling right now, they will remember the technology that piqued their interest and ask about it in the future. An inspired project. Best of luck!

  4. Great in depth look into your varied audiences! I loved the way you included the Grade 6s, making their last year as memorable as possible given the circumstances. Great way to get them, and the rest of the student population, involved! Your project sounds amazing; you are definitely on the right track.
    - Chevon


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